Fact Sheets available from Penn State Extension:

On-lot Sewage Systems — The purpose of this fact sheet is to describe the parts and function of on-lot sewage systems and the regulatory system governing their use.

Septic Tank Pumping — Septic tanks should be inspected and pumped on a regular basis to prevent malfunctions

Be Careful What You Flush: Avoid Toilet Paper Alternatives — For those that use an on-lot septic system for home wastewater treatment, what we flush down the toilet can have negative impacts on the functioning of the system.

Site Evaluation for On-lot Sewage Systems — Proper design and operation of an on-lot sewage system hinges on the ability of the soil to absorb and renovate the wastewater flowing from the treatment tank. Learn about the role of soil probes & perc tests.

Use of Dyes and Tracers to Confirm Septic System Failures — Commercially available dyes and tracers can be used where additional testing is needed to detect or confirm on-lot sewage disposal system malfunctions.

Evaluated Sand Mounds for On-lot Wastewater Treatment — The purpose of this fact sheet is to explain what an elevated sand mound is and how, on sites requiring sand mound absorption areas smaller than 2500 square feet, they should be constructed and maintained.

At-Grade and Shallow At-Grade On-lot Systems — These alternate on-lot sewage disposal systems are approved in Pennsylvania. These systems were developed and designed for sites with restrictive soil conditions.

Drip Irrigation On-lot Sewage Disposal System — Drip Irrigation is an Alternate On-Lot Sewage Disposal System.

Septic System Inspections during Real Estate Transactions — A PSMA/NOF Septic System Inspection provides homeowners or prospective buyers with information about septic system components and current operating conditions. Pennsylvania Septage Management Association (PSMA) and National Onsite Wastewater Education and Research Foundation (NOF).

Funding for Private Well and Septic System Repairs — Major repairs or replacement of septic system and drinking water wells can be costly, but there are sources of financial assistance for homeowners.

More Fact Sheets and other education materials are available at Penn State Extension website.